- Hitting a mental slump this week. Did I overwork myself?
- A crunchy, hard-packed, bluebird day at Brighton.
- Making salmon tikka masala IN MY VAN #vanlife.
February 2023
Su | M | T | W | Th | F | S |
29 | 30 | 31 | 2/1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 3/1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Where In The World Was I?
- Salt Lake City, UT
- ⛷️ Brighton
- Salt Lake City, UT
Inputs (☕️ 💻)
- Bjorn’s Brew
- Urban Sailor Coffee (x2)
- 3 Cups (Holladay, UT)
- Honeysuckle Coffee Co. (Sandy, UT)
- Woodbine Food Hall (3 Cups)
- Salt Lake City Public Library
- Sprague Branch Public Library
It was a coffee-shop kind of week 🙂

Outputs (✏️ 📚 📈)
- Video posted for Denver’s Best Kept Secrets: The Top 5 Coffee Shops for Remote Workers
- Business venture
- Lots of market research
- Research into the bootstrapping process
- Research into startup/no-code tools to use
- 2022 Year In Review reflection
- New Time Tracking Table note for rewarding good habits, disincentivizing bad habits (aka YouTube)
- Notes and takeaways from Goals by Brian Tracey
The Wall 🧱
On Wednesday, I had planned on skiing, but I woke up and checked the weather at Brighton to see:
- 0ºF
- 50+mph winds
- Zero sun
… and thought, well that doesn’t sound very fun 😅
So I called an audible and went to Honeysuckle instead.
I continued with a bunch more market research. And after looking up so, so, many competitors… I started to feel a bit discouraged.
This pivoted idea came across my mind and I decided to look into that a bit. I hit a rabbit hole, getting quite excited, scrapping the rest of the plans I had for that work session.
My brain was/has been working really hard to piece all of this information and data together, to find the opportunities, the cracks in the armor. I just hit a wall at 10:45am that morning, way before the usual time I throw in the towel, around 12pm.
I spent the afternoon chilling at Sugar House Park, doing some shallow work, watching some YouTube, doing some little tasks around the van, etc.
I ended the evening with more market research, struggling to piece everything together.
I meditated twice that day, but I didn’t really properly disconnect or walk much.
I ended the night trying to wrap my head around everything, just exhausted.
I boiled it down to a couple takeaways:
- These are hard problems I’m tackling right now. Harder than the previous couple months, where the focus has been on getting into publishing content rather than solving problems.
- I believe working every day can be sustainable ONLY IF I properly disconnect from everything in the afternoons (read as: walking for an hour with no music; not-read as: watching Meet Kevin market updates at 2x speed on my bed, lol)
- I’m in a transition period right now, juggling a lot of balls. Maybe I need to put a couple down.
- I’m trying to learn a new process (bootstrapping) and I’m getting frustrated because I don’t know the process. It’s worth spending some time to actually learn the process.
I decided to take a break and ski the next day. It was gonna be 10-20ºF and sunny 🙂
⛷️ Brighton Ski Day
First day there!

It seems to be a smaller resort than others I’ve been to. More chill, lots of nice groomers, and less crazy terrain (think: Snowbird). The snow was unfortunately quite hard that day, but the sun was out which helped.
It was just nice to get outside, take a little break, explore a new mountain, and get some turns in.
Unfortunately I’m starting to deal with more knee pain after skiing than earlier in the season, which I think has also contributed to skiing fewer days lately. I’ve been trying to give my knees adequate rest before destroying them again and again 😅
Getting OVER The Wall
I made it a point to prioritize walking and disconnecting wayyy more.
I did, and it worked.
(Wed – the day I hit the wall; Thu – the ski day)

I spent quite a lot of time at Sugar House Park this week – bathrooms, tons of parking, lots of space to walk, space to charge from solar, right next to a great commercial area, close to Anytime Fitness. Just, perfect.

It’s amazing what a little break and a whole lot of disconnected walking can do.
I felt quite good Friday and Saturday, good enough that I decided to go to the library in the afternoon to squeeze in another hour behind the laptop each day. I definitely ended with a fried brain, but not completely exhausted. The balance of walking/working out with focused time worked quite well.
I wasn’t worried. I knew what to do – just get back to the basics.
I would’ve made that video talking through my struggle anyway. I decided to post that moment in an effort to share more authenticity. I think there’s an opportunity for more transparency and authenticity on social media and I’m trying to do my part.
I talked through some of this during my DailyV right after skiing Brighton that I thought was interesting.
The more I reflect, the more I think it just came down to:
- Loss (more like change) of focus/direction
- Tackling tough problems
- Not enough disconnect relaxing time to balance out the focus time
It’s all been a nice reminder to take care of my mental health, to disconnect more fully, and get outside and walk more.
Food From The Week
So I went to this fast-casual (think: Chipotle) Indian place (Makam’s (Millcreek)) this week, as I was overwhelmed with a craving for some Indian food.

It was a little on the pricier side, so it pushed me to think, could I make this in my van?
So I did as any normal person would do… and asked ChatGPT for an easy salmon tikka masala recipe 😂, got all the ingredients, and followed the instructions.

(I only had diced tomatoes, not crushed tomatoes, so it came out a bit more orange than red, but now I know for next time)
- ✅ Easy
- ✅ Actually pretty delicious
- ✅ Nutritious
- ✅ Filling
- ✅ Lots of leftovers
- ✅ Something different from my usual meals
It’s got my vote!
Some other highlights: