Finally Starting To See Results From My Identity Change


  • Finally seeing some actual results!
  • First ski days at Winter Park – and getting quite frustrated!
  • A productive workweek, revealing some authenticity

December 2022


Where In The World Was I?

  • Denver, CO
  • Winter Park, CO
  • Fraser, CO
  • Denver, CO

Life in Denver

I took a couple walks around Sloan’s Lake this week and was reminded just how nice it is to get out and walk. I felt the mind clear and it was nice to get some steps in.

I’ve been seeing some actual results this week with my identity change and affirmations. Leaning on feeling a responsibility and duty to give back has helped me get over the hump of “not feeling like it” and just starting.

I’ve also been leaning harder on my affirmations/identity statements which have been shifting my mindset in these moments, breaking down the barrier to starting.

It’s workinggg!

I did make a DailyV about this. I felt quite good about this one!

Skiing Winter Park

My first day(s) skiing Winter Park!

That first day was a challenging one… I talked about my frustration in this DailyV

However, I’m happy to report I switched things up the following days and felt sooo good on the slopes.

I’m definitely excited to continue exploring. I found a lot of nicely space trees and glades here 👀

New Ski/Work Schedule???

The temps with the wind chill were down in the negatives… Rather than lose my limbs to hypothermia I decided to try something new this week.

I drove into Fraser in the morning to work at a coffee shop.

Around noon, I had lunch, like usual.

But then, I drove over to Winter Park, just 15 minutes away, and parked right at the base of Mary Jane – it was TRUE ski-in-ski-out, just incredible.

I skied for an hour or two, then called it a day, ending with some dinner, reading, and meditation.

This schedule actually felt quite good! By mid-morning, I felt like the day was already a success and everything else was just extra.

The snow was so good that skiing in the afternoon was just as good as early-morning. Also, being able to park right at the base was SO clutch.

Work Update

I think this sums up my mindset from this week 👇

I keep hearing about how literally mindset, identity, and beliefs and so so so fundamental and important.

I’m on the right track. I need to keep destroying my limiting beliefs, taking control of my mindset, and believing that I can achieve anything.

Now comes the results… I just need time, I need 2-5 years of consistency. I just need to put in the reps dude.

I’m on the right track, now I just need time.

12/14/22 Peter Meglis


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