80/20 Audit – December 2022

This exercise comes from The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss.

Pareto Principle: 80% of the outputs result from 20% of the inputs

Desired Outcomes

Which 20% of sources are resulting in 80% of my desired outcomes and happiness?

Desired outcomes and happiness

Actual end outcomes

  • A business system that generates money with full control, difficult entry, specific need, detached from my time, with large scale
    • YouTube, Twitter, etc. content creation
    • Large email list
    • Money made through selling access to specific leveraged and scalable systems – courses, high ticket 1-1 access (coaching)
  • An aesthetic physique
  • Skiing
    • Able to ski double blacks without question
    • Able to ski moguls with flow
    • Able to ski powder with flow
    • Just time spent skiing in general
  • A strong mindset
    • Limiting beliefs obliterated, new beliefs reinforced
    • Mindset not effected by emotions
    • Able to subordinate feelings to values, to do the boring, hard work required
  • Access to individuals that I can positively impact

Outcomes that get me there

  • An audience of loyal fans
    • Content (YouTube videos, blog posts, tweets, etc.) that is simply published
    • Content that is high quality (captures attention, keeps attention, influences change) and low friction to create
    • YouTube subscribers gained
  • Immense goodwill and I-owe-yous generated
    • Numerous lives positively impacted
  • Guides and systems created, specific problems solved
  • New tactics/ideas/strategies implemented, actions taken
  • Current beliefs, mindset, thoughts documented for my future self to leverage as assets
  • Communication skills mastered – verbal and written, storytelling, influence, persuasion

The 20% Sources

Time spent

  • Producing content
    • Creating videos
    • Analyzing my videos
    • Editing videos
    • Creating guides and systems that solve specific problems
    • Creating blog posts
  • Journaling
    • Documenting beliefs and ideas
    • Processing how I feel, what I’m thinking about
    • Transferring thoughts from Dump to new notes
    • Documenting parts of my life, lists, life systems
    • Expressing gratitude – gratitude journaling
    • Synthesizing information together, organizing information
    • Gardening – rereading random notes
  • Watching YouTube videos
    • Watching entertainment
    • Learning skills – skiing, communication
    • Being reminded of how to act to achieve my goals
  • Reinforcing beliefs and identity
  • Practicing skills intentionally
    • Specific skills – communication, storytelling, leadership, authenticity, influence, persuasion
  • Reading books, specifically about
    • Specific skills – communication, storytelling, leadership, authenticity, influence, persuasion
    • Mindset – breaking limiting beliefs, how to effectively act in the world, mindset
  • Food-related
    • Making food
    • Eating food
      • Bulking – eating a massive amount of calories and protein
    • Buying food
  • Meditating
  • Working out
  • Driving to places
  • Skiing
  • Photography
    • Editing
    • Posting

Which can be organized into…

  • Creating YouTube videos
  • Creating guides and systems that solve specific problems
  • Working out

Production Capability:

  • Reading books about
    • Specific skills – communication, storytelling, leadership, authenticity, influence, persuasion
    • Mindset – breaking limiting beliefs, how to effectively act in the world, mindset
  • Watching YouTube videos about how to learn and improve specific skills
  • Practicing specific skills – communication, storytelling, leadership, authenticity, influence, persuasion
  • Synthesizing information together, organizing information
  • Reinforcing new beliefs and new identity
  • Gratitude journaling
  • Meditating
  • Skiing
  • Bulking – eating a surplus of calories and protein

The REAL 20%

From these 20%, which are the further 20% that move the needle the most:

  • Creating YouTube videos
  • Creating guides and systems that solve specific problems
  • Working out
  • Bulking – eating a surplus of calories and protein
  • Reading books
  • Meditating


Which 20% of sources are causing 80% of my problems and unhappiness?

Problems and unhappiness

  • Time spent not moving forward, progressing, moving towards goals
    • Watching too much YouTube entertainment
    • Driving without listening to something
    • Doing errands
  • I don’t feel like I have too many problems or unhappiness right now, besides just not moving towards goals, which feels like a good sign!

Biggest day-to-day time sucks:

  • Watching YouTube
  • Driving places (data via Google Maps Timeline)
    • October 2022 – 1,453 mi, 65 hrs
    • November 2022 – 1,012 mi, 56 hrs
    • December 2022 (until the 16th) – 394 mi, 22 hrs
  • Doing errands
    • Buying food/groceries
    • Filling gas
    • Filling propane
    • Dumping greywater
    • Laundry


  • Stop watching so much gosh darn YouTube.
    • Watch a bit less YouTube, then pick up my Kindle to read. Build that habit.
    • Keep reaffirming my identity change that values reading and devalues instant gratification.
    • Remove videos from my Watch Later that aren’t high ROI (100% entertainment or educational)
  • Put on podcasts while driving more often.
  • Batch errands on a single day.

Previous Audit

The #1 Thing I’m Changing From An Honest Audit Of My Own “Deep Work”

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