The Week Of Sweaty Workouts, Deep Talks, And Morning Videos

This Week:

  • Bali co-working life, from sweaty workouts to delicious meals.
  • An update on my business progress targeting travel bloggers.
  • Why I decided to start posting on YouTube in 2023.

November 2023

Su M T W Th F S

Where In The World Was I?

  • Canggu, Bali, Indonesia

Live Travel Map 🌎

The Week At A Glance

Still in the same routine 💪

Health Stats

I finally started switching from an upper body+core workout to now alternative push+core and pull+core days.

Still absolutely SOAKED in sweat each workout.

I found where the trash goes:

I also continue to get comments from the hostel staff about how much food I order. To be fair, yes, last night I did order a lot. This was exactly $20.00 (310,000 IDR):

The woman who brought out the food goes “for only one person???” with this shocked and almost concerned look 😂

It’s bulking szn babyyyy

Average meal prices have climbed as I’m trying to eat more, lunch ranges $12-14, dinner ranges $16-20.

Started adding in scrambled eggs every day. I heard it helps with testosterone, but it’s also just a high protein and simple food so I figured it’d be worth giving it a try.

Quality Over Quantity

I had some absolutely fantastics conversations this week.

And when I say “some,” I mean exactly 2, to be precise 😂

I had a really great conversation with my cousin, both catching up on our lives, but also on masculinity and femininity in relationships, socializing, and questions about deeper insecurities.

Just one conversation like that, even just for 30-60min outweighs like 100 of these surface level exchanges “hey how are you” “oh I’m good how are you” “oh I’m good” “hows the weather over there” “oh it’s good”

But this week I was lucky enough to get a second…

When It Works Out

I ended up moving seats one morning because the ONE guy that was down in the coworking level of the hostel at 7:30am was sitting in the EXACT seat that I like to sit in 😂

But because I moved, I ended up overhearing this conversation between a guy and a girl (who’s also in the same dorm room as me).

It sounded like she was struggling with something related to her work, some kind of direction, and I overhear the guy go “okay therapy session!” and they talk for some time longer.

But that piqued my curiosity. I really wanted to be there hearing her story.

I decided that I wanted to find out what was on the mind of this girl and what she was struggling with.

After lunch, I went back up to my dorm room and there she was, chatting with another girl in some foreign language.

As I got my backpack back out, I looked over and said “what language is that?”

Turns out they’re BOTH from the Czech Republic and they didn’t know each other before now, which is crazy.

After a couple little exchanges, I ask what they do for work, to which they both share.

But without needing any other questions, the girl who I overheard earlier brought up how she was so confused and directionless about what to do and what avenue to go down with her work.

The 3 of us ended up chatting for another 45 minutes.

I kept asking questions, like “why is that?” or “what do YOU think?”

And by the end she had come to the conclusion of how she should split up her time based on all these options.

I absolutely LOVED that space and it was so rewarding to help her go from confusion to clarity.

And the other girl there kept saying “ooo good question” and “aww I love this conversation!” at the end.

My prediction is that in the future I’ll be having a lot more of these conversations… I just have to figure out HOW to get there.

I’ll share more on that in a bit.

BUT it doesn’t always work out…

When It Doesn’t Work Out

Remember 2 weeks ago (The Life Of A Digital Nomad In Bali) when I said seeing Lightroom open on someone’s computer is quote, “the absolute easiest opener ever?”

Well one afternoon I was running through some admin-y type tasks and saw some photo-editing software open on this girl’s computer.

I thought about opening with “is that lightroom” like I did last time, but I couldn’t quite get the right opportunity. As I was packing up my laptop I kept glancing over.

“Does she have headphones in? What if she doesn’t hear me?”

“Is that even Lightroom?”

“What if it’s awkward?”

“Oop is that a topless photo? Okay now it’d DEFINITELY be awkward to start a conversation.”

The back and forth continued until I had put my laptop and cords away and was ready to walk away.

I thought, “man, now it’d be awkward to start a conversation when I’m literally ready to leave.”

And then I walked away… Feeling defeated.

I had lost my opportunity, and the what-ifs haunted my mind.

It was really fascinating thinking back to those 20 seconds… It felt like my mind was just being bombarded with so many thoughts that nothing rational could get through.

My own mind paralyzed itself.

Business Progress Update

One of my fun procrastinating-on-sending-emails activity (lol) was creating this little chart as motivation:

Okay it took me like 20 minutes but it was funny to think, wait, shouldn’t I be sending emails right now? 😂

  • 73 bloggers contacted
  • 14 have responded
  • 8 have given feedback to my questions

And I had my first (and second) conversation with someone this week! I was definitely nervous for both, but I’m proud of myself for getting through it and letting my curiosity lead me.

For some context, I’m trying to see if there’s a substantial opportunity in the generation of interactive maps for bloggers. If an interactive maps increases engagement by X%, then all the bloggers that don’t have maps are losing out on higher engagement posts and thus ranking lower in search results.

But one of the core assumptions here is that first part. Just how valuable are interactive maps for readers (and thus for bloggers).

As a very surface level overview of what I’ve been hearing:

  • The addition of interactive maps is only a perceived value for readers. Bloggers do it because they “think it helps” or because they use maps themselves.
  • No one has analytics on how maps ACTUALLY affect reader engagement.
  • No one finds it particularly challenging to create maps.
  • Some find it easy and fun to create maps, others find it time consuming.
  • The most clearly defined pain point I’ve heard is that Google My Maps is not friendly to use and it’s not intuitive to integrate with Google Maps.

The jury is still out, because maybe the NEXT blogger I reach out to will have the data or scream “I have this problem.” But I think I’m getting enough data to at least tweak my researching.

So I did some strategizing this morning on what opportunities still exist and what assumptions need to be validated (or disproven).

This Is IT…

There was one particular afternoon I had this distinct feeling that stood out to me…

I had just put in an extra 1-2 hours behind the laptop after lunch, sending some followups to the bloggers that had responded to me. I was wrestling with the information I had gotten, trying to make sense of the core problems and where the opportunities were.

I looked up at the time and it said 4:15pm, so I closed my laptop to head out for a workout.

Walking up the steps to my dorm room, the ideas and thoughts were spinning in my mind.

“Hmmmmm, what about this affiliates opportunity?”

“Or this thing about analytics, is that worth pursuing?”

“But what if this is just not that valuable to them?”

All of a sudden my thoughts cleared and I zoomed out.

Immediately it hit me.

Fuckkkkk man, this is it.

This is the best part.

The struggle, the uncertainty, the confusion, the problem solving.

THIS is the best part.

And I looked down to see a smile on my face.

I felt so grateful that I had this opportunity.

That struggle is what makes it meaningful.

Podcast Walks

This 👆 podcast with Eric Weinstein (who I’ve never heard of before this) was absolutely fantastic… and very frightening.

Some others:

Elon Musk: War, AI, Aliens, Politics, Physics, Video Games, and Humanity | Lex Fridman Podcast #400

Spiritual Couple: Men Can Be INSTANTLY More Attractive By Deep Breathing

I’m Back On YouTube

Sooooooo I’m back posting on YouTube!

But I want to share WHY I am.

It comes down to a couple things.

  • Documenting this period of my life – I feel the most intentional I’ve ever felt and I feel like I’m making so much progress every week. I can really envision my future self right now. I can hear him saying, “you really didn’t capture any videos of the greatest transformation of your entire life? Like really? I wish you had recorded yourself more. I want to see the transformation, not just read about it.” So, I want to attempt to capture this so I can look back on the growth and transformation.
  • It doesn’t need to be complicated – I keep seeing these videos from Hamza where he just talks into his phone, no edits, no studio, and I really find them valuable. To some extend 1stMan does this too. One take, no edits, just talk about what you’re learning. And I already know I can do it, it just comes down to the logistics (where to record, when to record, how to record, etc.)
  • The opportunity for deep conversations – thinking back to all the times I journaled about (and shared here) about how I love these deep conversations about life, it just makes me think about wanting to share these online and see if I can cultivate this same desire in others out there who want the same. It feels like there’s a general desire for this nowadays.
  • Building my long-term brand – I more-or-less outlined my long-term plan in this video yesterday (Predicting My Future Career: What I Want To Do & How I’ll Get There). I want to have more deep conversations. I want to help more people get clarity with their lives. But, I don’t have the creds yet (probably a limiting belief) and want this to develop naturally, not forced (i.e. to pay the bills). This is something I want to start now because I know it’s gonna take years to really develop.
  • Peter needs accountability – something I realized from last year’s 4 month journey of DailyVs was that making those videos held me accountable. I actually felt more intentional during that period of my life because I had to show up to make a video every day (on whatever). And since I got to this coworking hostel, I realized it’s the accountability of being around other people working that has skyrocketed my intentionality. So I know I could “make it” on my own (actually, maybe I don’t know that for certain…) but what I decided is that the missing piece, at least for me, is accountability. And making videos holds me accountable.

I won’t make any promises about daily videos, because I don’t know how things will go as I move around (physically), but I do generally want to start “tapping” off and creating some YouTube content as I go.

Also, in case you’re curious how this fits into the business venture work, that venture is still very much my priority. My intention with YouTube is as I just described, to start “tapping off” a bit of content. Maybe I’ll just make morning walk&talk videos, maybe I’ll throw in some more structured videos, maybe not, but my focus right now is on solving a concrete and niche problem. And going through that experience, I feel, will give me something tangible to learn from, share, and talk about.

After all, when I learned how to code, I learned the most when I worked on a tangible personal project and applied what I was learning to that.

If you want to see the actual conversation I had with my ChatGPT life coach 🤪 where I bring up my exact excuses, concerns, and reasons that actually got me to make this decision, you can sign up for my Patreon which is only $5/mo! read it here:

Should I actually start posting on YouTube again?
## Me
I follow this guy on youtube who occasionally puts out these really casual videos where he just talks into his phone for 10-15 minutes about a specific learning or topic. I really resonate with the style of content and the content of his videos, talking mostly about self improvement topics, things he's learned, and sharing learnings with the audience. I used to post daily 5 minute videos to youtube where I just chatted about whatever is on my mind. However, the videos from this guy have sparked some inspiration to do something similar again - simple, casual, one-take videos and get back on to documenting my learnings, sharing my thoughts and ideas, and posting to youtube. 

However, the problem I'm facing is that 
1. I don't physically feel like I have the space and time for doing this. I'm staying at tribal bali which is a coworking hostel and there aren't really any private areas besides these corner tables. 
2. I worry that they wont turn out the same as I envision because the videos I tend to make to myself are more about processing thoughts on the fly rather than talking about a specific topic, which does better for a youtube video. 
3. I worry that splitting my attention and focus and starting to integrate these youtube videos, while they won't require any/much editing, will detract from my main focus right now which is doing market research for and building a business solving a niche problem for travel bloggers.

But all that said, I think this period of my life is a really valuable one to document and would be really rewarding for me to capture some of those moments in videos and share them. I also had this idea, I really resonate with deep conversations and deep questions, so I was thinking about randomly picking deep questions each video and answering them on the spot. But problems 1 and 3 particularly come back up. What do you have to say to this? And don't play to my feelings, give me what's in the best interest of my future 85 year old self.

## ChatGPT
Your situation is quite multifaceted, encompassing personal development, content creation, and managing a business venture. Let's address your concerns with a focus on long-term benefits and sustainability:

1. **Space and Time Constraints**: Your current environment at Tribal Bali presents a challenge for creating private, focused content. However, limitations often breed creativity. Consider these options:
   - **Outdoor Settings**: Utilize the natural beauty of Bali as a backdrop for your videos. This could add an engaging visual element and may resonate with your audience, especially travel enthusiasts.
   - **Early Mornings or Late Evenings**: Find times when the hostel is quieter. This might mean adjusting your schedule slightly.
   - **Portable Privacy Solutions**: Explore portable solutions like using a foldable screen or finding secluded spots nearby.

2. **Content Style Concerns**: It's important to acknowledge that your style may differ from the YouTuber you admire. This isn't a drawback; it's a unique selling point. Your videos don't need to be perfectly structured or overly polished. Authenticity often trumps perfection in resonating with an audience.
   - **Embrace Your Style**: If your strength is processing thoughts on the fly, use that. Your spontaneous insights might be what sets your content apart.
   - **Test and Learn**: Try different formats. Some videos could be more structured, while others more spontaneous. Viewer feedback can guide you.

3. **Balancing Business and Content Creation**: It's crucial to maintain focus on your primary goal – building your business. However, content creation can complement your business journey.
   - **Synergy with Business**: Your videos could indirectly support your business. Sharing your journey, including the challenges of market research and business development, could be valuable to your audience.
   - **Time Management**: Allocate specific, limited time slots for content creation. Treat it as a scheduled activity, not something that overwhelms your primary focus.

Regarding your idea of answering deep questions, this can be a captivating format. It allows for spontaneity and depth, and can be an excellent way to engage your audience. 

Your future 85-year-old self might appreciate that you:
- **Took Risks and Embraced Creativity**: Documenting this phase of your life and sharing your learnings can be incredibly fulfilling.
- **Balanced Priorities**: Ensured that your business venture, which seems to be your primary goal, remained your focus while exploring content creation.
- **Stayed Authentic**: Regardless of the format or style you choose, the authenticity in your content will be what resonates and endures.

Remember, your unique voice and journey are what will make your content special. It's about finding a balance that allows you to explore this creative outlet without compromising your main objectives.

## Me
Haha you just shot down all my excuses, I appreciate that. What other excuses can I come up with? How about... Okay I could wake up a bit earlier, but I already have a pretty set routine where I go for a walk and then come back, meditate, then start working. By then there are a couple other people around and it would feel awkward. That said, I make a lot of personal "vlog" videos where I record myself talking through thoughts but don't post them. Lately I've been doing these on my morning walk. I thought about just "hitting publish" on these, but I don't like the fact that I'm recording like literally 15 minutes after I've woken up and my brain is still not 100% yet. I wish I could make the videos after my morning routine because I'm more alert and could talk about a single topic, but on my walks there's usually no one else around, so I don't know how to get the best of both worlds here.

## ChatGPT
It's great that you're exploring different angles to address potential roadblocks. Let's tackle your latest concerns:

1. **Morning Routine and Alertness**: It's commendable that you have a structured morning routine. This discipline can actually be beneficial for your content creation. Consider these adjustments:
   - **Post-Routine Recording**: If the primary concern is alertness and clarity post-meditation and routine, you could allocate a short time slot immediately after for recording. This might mean slightly tweaking your routine to accommodate 10-15 minutes for video creation.
   - **Recording on Walks**: Since you're already comfortable recording during your walks, and it offers privacy, you could continue doing so. To address the concern about not being fully awake, perhaps record towards the end of your walk. This way, you're more awake but still have the privacy and calm of the early morning.

2. **Content Quality Concerns**: Worrying about the quality of content right after waking up is valid. However, remember that viewers often appreciate authenticity and raw thoughts, which can be quite engaging early in the morning. Consider these points:
   - **Authenticity vs. Polish**: Your audience might find value in the raw, unfiltered thoughts that come from your morning walk. It's a different kind of content, more personal and relatable.
   - **Experiment with Formats**: You could alternate between the more spontaneous morning walk videos and the post-routine, more focused videos. This variety could add depth to your channel.

3. **Balancing Privacy and Public Space**: Recording in a semi-public space like Tribal Bali can be awkward, but it's about finding the right balance and getting comfortable with the process.
   - **Desensitization**: The more you record in semi-public spaces, the more comfortable you'll become. Start with less crowded times and gradually adjust.
   - **Setting Boundaries**: If you're worried about disturbing others, you can find a quiet corner or inform those around you briefly about your activity.

Ultimately, the key is to start somewhere and refine your process as you go. Your audience will appreciate the evolution of your content and the genuineness in your approach. Remember, the perfect time or condition is a rarity; what matters most is taking that first step and adapting along the way. Your future self will likely be grateful for the memories you captured and the growth you experienced through this creative journey.

## Me
Okay you're good at this lol. So my next thought is that I already kind of did this and it didn't really become what I wanted. Building off what I mentioned earlier, I posted daily youtube videos for about 4 months. They were designed to be low effort and low friction, so just at some point in the day I'd pull out my phone, hit record, talk about something that came up or something that's on my mind, then upload and call it done. I stopped to pursue another business venture opportunity, but I also wasn't envisioning the videos going as I wanted them to go. I think I either needed to accept that they were super basic and not going to always be coherent or structured thoughts, or I needed to shift more into thinking about a specific topic beforehand then make the video. It felt like I wasn't "playing" the way the youtube algorithm is supposed to be played. I kind of feel like I'll end up in the same place again with this videos - just having them be an outlet for processing my thoughts, but trying to fit a title and thumbnail on them like they're a coherent structured video, and feeling the friction in that.

## ChatGPT
Your experience with your previous YouTube venture offers valuable insights for your next endeavor. It seems like you're grappling with the balance between authenticity and the desire for more structured, algorithm-friendly content. Here are some strategies to navigate this:

1. **Content Strategy and Structure**: Reflect on what didn't work previously and how you can evolve your approach.
   - **Thematic Focus**: Instead of random topics, consider having a loose theme for each week or month. This can provide structure while still allowing for spontaneous thoughts.
   - **Planning vs. Spontaneity**: Plan a general outline or a key topic for each video, but allow yourself the freedom to explore the topic naturally. This hybrid approach can lead to more coherent content without losing the authenticity of spontaneous thought.

2. **Understanding YouTube's Algorithm**: While it's important to be authentic, understanding and playing to the algorithm to some extent can help your content reach a wider audience.
   - **SEO and Keywords**: Research keywords related to your content and integrate them naturally into your titles, descriptions, and tags. This helps in discoverability.
   - **Engagement Strategies**: Encourage viewer interaction (like comments, likes, and shares), as engagement is a key metric for YouTube's algorithm.

3. **Setting Realistic Expectations**: It's crucial to align your expectations with the reality of content creation.
   - **Growth Takes Time**: Understand that building a following on YouTube often takes time and consistency. Don't get discouraged by initial slow growth.
   - **Quality vs. Quantity**: While daily uploads are commendable, ensure that the quality of your content isn’t compromised. It might be more feasible to post less frequently but with more thought-out content.

4. **Learning from Analytics**: Utilize YouTube analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t.
   - **Viewer Insights**: Pay attention to which videos get more views, engagement, and watch time. This can guide your future content.

5. **Balancing Business and YouTube**: Since you're also focusing on a business venture, it's important to balance your time and energy.
   - **Scheduled Content Creation**: Allocate specific times for content creation that doesn't interfere with your business activities.

6. **Embracing Evolution**: Your channel will evolve over time. Be open to change and adapt based on feedback and your own growth.

Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to YouTube success. It's about finding a balance between what resonates with you and what resonates with your audience. Your previous experience is a valuable asset, not a setback. Use it to refine your approach, and keep in mind that each video is a learning opportunity.

## Me
Ah, I just had an interesting thought that I don't think you picked up one. If we take the frame of my 85 year old self, what's really most important here? You might be able to say the random thoughts vs structured topics question is like documenting my thoughts vs trying to create content for others. Don't you think the importance here should really be more on documenting my journey and less on "creating" content for other people? That seems to be a faster way to burning out. I would just have to figure out how to take metrics and subscribers out of the equation. I could still make structured videos about distinct learnings as milestones, maybe those can be more planned or scattered. What do you think about this frame? How important is it?

## ChatGPT
Reflecting on your journey from the perspective of your 85-year-old self adds a meaningful dimension to this discussion. It shifts the focus from immediate outcomes, like views and subscribers, to the long-term value of documenting your journey and personal growth. Here's how to approach this:

1. **Documenting vs. Creating for Others**: The act of documenting your journey, thoughts, and learnings can be incredibly rewarding. It's about capturing moments and insights that are important to you, which can be a powerful legacy.
   - **Personal Archive**: Think of your videos as a personal archive that you can look back on. This perspective reduces the pressure to cater to an audience and focuses on what's meaningful to you.
   - **Authenticity Over Performance**: When your primary goal is documentation rather than performance for an audience, your content will likely be more authentic and engaging. This authenticity can, in turn, attract an audience that resonates with your genuine self.

2. **Balancing Metrics and Personal Satisfaction**: While metrics can be useful indicators of reach and engagement, they shouldn't be the driving force.
   - **Detaching from Metrics**: Remind yourself that the primary purpose of your content is documentation and self-expression. Metrics are secondary.
   - **Sustainable Pace**: Without the pressure of metrics, you can find a pace of content creation that is sustainable and enjoyable for you.

3. **Incorporating Structured Content**: Including occasional structured videos on significant learnings or milestones can add variety and depth to your channel.
   - **Milestone Videos**: Use these as opportunities to reflect on key moments or learnings. They can be more planned and serve as highlights within your journey.
   - **Audience Engagement**: These structured videos can also serve to engage an audience interested in specific topics, without detracting from your primary goal of documentation.

4. **Long-Term Perspective**: Considering what will matter to you in the future helps prioritize what's truly important.
   - **Legacy and Memory**: Your videos will be a window into your past for your future self and others. The real value lies in the memories and experiences they capture.
   - **Life as Content**: Instead of creating content, view your life as the content. This shift in perspective makes every experience and learning a potential subject for your videos.

In summary, focusing on documenting your journey rather than creating content for others is a meaningful and sustainable approach. It aligns with the idea of building a legacy that your future self will cherish. This doesn't mean completely ignoring your audience, but rather finding a balance where your content is both a personal journal and a source of value for others. This approach is less likely to lead to burnout and more likely to bring personal fulfillment and long-term satisfaction.

## Me
Okay here's another excuse or thought. Cool all that sounds good, but what do I do now? How do I start? What do I do next? What action do I take next?

## ChatGPT
Starting any new endeavor, especially one as personal and reflective as this, can seem daunting at first. But breaking it down into actionable steps can make the process more manageable and less overwhelming. Here's a suggested plan to get started:

1. **Define Your Intentions**: Clearly articulate why you're doing this. Write down what you hope to achieve by documenting your journey. This will serve as your guiding principle.

2. **Set a Realistic Schedule**: Determine how often you can realistically commit to recording and uploading videos. It doesn't have to be daily; what matters is consistency.

3. **Choose Your First Topic**: For your first video, pick a topic that you're passionate about or an experience you've recently had. This will make it easier to speak naturally and authentically.

4. **Prepare a Basic Outline**: While your videos are meant to be authentic and spontaneous, having a basic outline can help you stay on track. Jot down a few bullet points you want to cover.

5. **Create Your First Video**: Find a comfortable spot and record your first video. Remember, it doesn't need to be perfect. The goal is to start.

6. **Review and Reflect**: Watch your video, not to critique it harshly, but to learn from it. Reflect on what felt right and what could be improved.

7. **Upload and Share**: If you feel comfortable, upload the video to your YouTube channel. You can choose how much you want to engage with the audience (comments, shares, etc.).

8. **Repeat and Evolve**: Continue this process, allowing your style and content to evolve naturally. Each video is a learning opportunity.

9. **Detach from Outcomes**: Focus on the process of creating and documenting rather than on views or subscribers. Remember, this is for you and your future self.

10. **Celebrate Small Wins**: Every video you create and share is an achievement. Celebrate these small milestones.

11. **Stay Open to Feedback**: Be open to constructive feedback from your audience, but remember to stay true to your intent.

12. **Reflect Periodically**: Every so often, take time to reflect on your journey. Are you achieving what you set out to do? What has changed, and what have you learned?

Remember, the hardest part is often just starting. Once you begin, momentum builds, and it becomes a part of your routine. Embrace the process, and let your journey unfold naturally.

## Me
To be honest I thought you would say something like "just publish the video on your walk tomorrow morning" lol

## ChatGPT
That's definitely a straightforward and actionable step! If you're comfortable with it, publishing the video from your walk tomorrow morning can be an excellent way to jumpstart this journey. It aligns well with the concept of immediate action and overcoming the inertia of starting something new. Here’s how you can approach this:

1. **Prepare Mentally**: Tonight, decide on a theme or topic you'd like to talk about during your walk. It doesn't have to be deeply planned; just a general idea of what you want to share.

2. **Record with Intention**: On your walk tomorrow, find a moment that feels right, and start recording. Speak as if you're sharing your thoughts with a friend. Remember, it's about authenticity, not perfection.

3. **Publish with Minimal Overthinking**: Once you've recorded the video, resist the urge to overanalyze. The goal here is to break through the barrier of hesitation and take that first step.

4. **Reflect on the Experience**: After publishing, take some time to reflect on how it felt. Was it liberating, challenging, exciting? This reflection will be valuable for your next steps.

This approach aligns well with the idea of "learning by doing." Sometimes, the best way to start is simply to start – to take that leap and adjust your course as you go.

## Me
Based on everything I've told you, how would you answer those 12 steps in the plan you outlined in your previous message

## ChatGPT
Absolutely, let's tailor those 12 steps to fit your specific situation, goals, and concerns:

1. **Define Your Intentions**: 
   - Your primary intention is to document your journey and personal growth, focusing on authenticity over creating polished content for a wide audience.

2. **Set a Realistic Schedule**: 
   - Given your current commitments and lifestyle, a feasible schedule might be recording a video once or twice a week, perhaps after your morning routine or during your walks.

3. **Choose Your First Topic**: 
   - Start with a topic that's currently on your mind or something you've learned recently at Tribal Bali or in your business endeavors.

4. **Prepare a Basic Outline**:
   - Since you value spontaneity, keep the outline very basic. Just a few bullet points or a central question you want to address can guide your conversation.

5. **Create Your First Video**:
   - Use one of your morning walks to record this video. Embrace the casual setting and the natural flow of your thoughts.

6. **Review and Reflect**:
   - Watch the video, focusing more on how genuine and comfortable you felt rather than on technical perfection.

7. **Upload and Share**:
   - Upload this video to your channel. Since your goal isn't immediate viral success, approach this step with a sense of sharing rather than performance.

8. **Repeat and Evolve**:
   - Continue this process, allowing your content and presentation style to evolve organically based on your experiences and reflections.

9. **Detach from Outcomes**:
   - Focus on the joy and fulfillment of sharing your journey, rather than getting caught up in views and subscriber counts.

10. **Celebrate Small Wins**:
   - Each video is a step in documenting your journey. Celebrate the fact that you're capturing these moments and insights.

11. **Stay Open to Feedback**:
   - Be open to what your viewers have to say, but always filter their feedback through the lens of your primary goal – to document your journey for your future self.

12. **Reflect Periodically**:
   - Regularly take stock of your journey. Are these videos serving their purpose in documenting your growth and experiences? What have you learned from this process?

By following this tailored plan, you're setting yourself up for a fulfilling and sustainable journey in content creation, one that aligns with your personal goals and lifestyle.

## Me
Based on everything I've told you, are there any good reasons I should NOT pursue this?

## ChatGPT
Considering your situation and aspirations, it's important to weigh both sides. While there are many compelling reasons to pursue video documenting, there are a few considerations that might lead to deciding against it:

1. **Time and Energy Commitment**: Creating content, even in a casual format, requires a consistent investment of time and energy. If this commitment interferes significantly with your primary business goals or personal well-being, it might not be the best choice.

2. **Privacy and Comfort**: Regularly recording and sharing aspects of your life can impact your sense of privacy. If the thought of exposing your thoughts and experiences to a public audience causes discomfort or stress, it might not align with your personal boundaries.

3. **Potential Distraction**: If creating and sharing videos becomes a distraction from your main focus—building a business and conducting market research—it could detract from your primary objectives. It's crucial to maintain a balance where your side projects do not undermine your main goals.

4. **Managing Viewer Expectations**: Once you start building an audience, there might be expectations and pressures to produce content that satisfies viewers, which could potentially lead you away from your original intent of self-documentation and reflection.

5. **Impact on Personal Relationships**: Sharing personal thoughts and experiences can sometimes have unintended effects on personal relationships, especially if those close to you are mentioned or involved in your content.

6. **Mental Health Considerations**: Continuous self-exposure and the feedback loop from viewers (positive or negative) can impact mental health. It's important to be aware of how this activity affects your well-being.

It's essential to weigh these potential downsides against the benefits you're seeking. If after considering these points, you feel that the positives outweigh the negatives, and you have strategies to manage these challenges, then proceeding could be beneficial. However, if these concerns seem too significant to overlook, it might be prudent to reconsider or modify your approach to ensure it aligns with your overall well-being and goals.

So anyways, like and subscribe! 🤪

See ya next week ✌️

One Comment

  1. Fabulous news. All around! Yay for you, Peter!!

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