- I quit this thing and then my social media growth exploded.
- Skiing 2 FEET of pow at Park City.
- I started watching WHAT???
February 2023
Su | M | T | W | Th | F | S |
29 | 30 | 31 | 2/1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 3/1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Where In The World Was I?
- Salt Lake City, UT
- ⛷️ Park City Mountain Resort
- Salt Lake City, UT
Inputs (☕️ 💻)
- Publik (x2)
- Salt Lake Coffee Roasters (x2)
- Honeysuckle Coffee Co.
- Urban Sailor Coffee

Outputs (✏️ 📈)
- Changed work focus to: Business + Twitter
- Clarified Goal: Solve my financial problems. First step: Make $1 online.
- Identified 5 specific business opportunities + lead magnet ideas.
- Lots of new tweets, threads, comments, and tons of growth already! (More on this below)
I quit my DailyVs…
Here’s my video explaining the full decision context, but I’ll try to sum it up below.
The summary:
- I’ve been feeling too spread out trying to do: YouTube videos, DailyVs, posting on Twitter, weekly newsletter, then adding onto all this with a new business partnership opportunity I started a couple weeks ago with my brother.
- My plan was to put the personal brand (put another way: YouTube videos) on hold at some point with this new venture anyways. Also, I was at the stage where I was trying to phase out the DailyVs and phase in 2x weekly YouTube videos – edited, keyword focused, discoverable, growth focused. Stopping these was more “when” than “if.”
- My objective with this change: focus in on one main thing (the thing with the highest upside right now) and decrease the time and energy spread over multiple things (i.e. distractions from the highest upside thing).
- That highest upside thing? Building and validating solutions to niche problems solvable with software/a website that can eventually become passive or be sold.
- Why Twitter? There’s a huge #buildinpublic community on Twitter of people building solutions/products and documenting their journeys openly and publicly on Twitter. Also, we’re narrowing in on Twitter as our first platform of focus. Essentially, posting and building an audience on Twitter would complement this business venture really well.
- The flexibility: I was/am open to adding some of these things back in, but I want to give it some time to focus in. For example, I see the newsletter coming back because I think that fits really well with the rest of the current business/personal brand setup.
I’ve honestly felt WAY more focused lately. I’ve been engaging way more on Twitter and have already grown quite a bit! I do attribute most of that to “joining” an existing community, but it was enabled by the change in focus.

The Park City 2 FOOT DUMP
Absolutely bananas… I couldn’t NOT go.

In retrospect I made a mistake that morning waiting too long before getting up to the resort. I took my time making breakfast, tried to take the bus from Canyons side to Park City side, bus came way late, there wasn’t enough room, etc. etc.
I was parked at 7:35am but didn’t walk up until ~9:05am… I talked to a guy who parked at ~7:15am and got 3rd gondola. I, on the other hand, ended up waiting a full hour in the line for the gondola… Oof.
BUT I tried to put my positive “cap” on (more like not put my negative “cap” on).
I was finally at the top of the run, on my skis at 10:45am.
A bunch of stuff was already tracked up and mogul’d up.
I spotted a section of what looked like mostly untracked snow from the lift.
I was correct.
And OH… MY… LORD was it deep.

I wasn’t even close to floating on top of it. It was literally up to my quads.
Such a cool feeling.
I lapped that a couple times, took a break, then took one more run.
My knees were starting to hurt pretty badly. Like, hurt, more than just kinda sore.
I threw in the towel at about 1:30pm. It was just too difficult to ski without pain.

I felt disappointed that I didn’t get to ski as much as I would’ve like to. My knees have become the limiting factor for how long I can ski (and how often).
But that said, I am actually grateful for the couple runs I did get to ski.
Skiing 2 FEET of fresh powder is a weird feeling and crazy cool experience.
I have some hypotheses as to why I’m getting so much pain and some ideas on how to fix it. Hopefully more to come soon. For now, it’s been lots more rest (coffee shop’ing) between skiing.
Getting Sick 😶
That Park City ski day (Wed), I woke up with a sore throat. I pushed through though. I wasn’t NOT gonna ski 2 feet of powder.
I ended the afternoon with the absolute best remedy: a huge bowl of pho.

(Side note: those egg rolls were unbelievable. So crispy and crunchy.)
By day 2 (Thur): Sore throat was mostly gone, started to get some headaches.
Day 3 (Fri): Lots of congestion, some headaches.
Day 4 (Sat): Lingering congestion, minimal headaches.
Day 5 (Sun): Minimal congestion, no headaches.
I dunno what it was but my body just absolutely demolished it 💪 Maybe it’s the “pho magic touch”
You Started Watching WHAT?
When I put these back-to-back it seems quite obvious, but I didn’t really feel that down-for-the-count these days.
I still worked ~3-5 hours each morning, but I ended up chilling quite a bit in the afternoons. I watched a LOT more YouTube than usual and couldn’t distinguish how much of it was A. feeling low energy from catching a bug and how much of it was B. a lack of accountability from not posting DailyVs…
Generally, YouTube = Not Productive
I guess we’ll find out in the coming week.
Somehow I got into an interesting YouTube rabbit hole.
I found this guys channel, Donut Operator with ~4M subs. He’s a former police officer (in Texas?) who does these incredibly detailed breakdowns of police shootings. He takes the body cam footage and talks about the tactics, positioning, what happened, what to do vs what not to do, etc.
I was very hesitant to watch at first… I don’t exactly enjoy watching people get shot (he does blur a lot)… You kind of have to be in the right mindset for something as adrenaline-pumping as these videos.
But over the last couple days I ended up bingeing like… all of his videos… 😅 Like almost all of them, lol.
It was some combination of curiosity from seeing what actually happens during shootings that you hear about, fascination from seeing how these police officers handle these situations, and the insightful learning about what’s done right vs. what’s done wrong in these situations.
I have a LOT more respect for police officers now having seen what they can go through… wow.
I’ll leave on an open thread here…
All these videos made me think a lot about how we (as a country) got to this point.
How did we get here? How did we get to a point where it’s common for people to shoot each other? (In a way, it’s sad that this guy has SO much content that he can review)
One side of the spectrum says (over-simplified): give everyone more guns.
One side of the spectrum says (over-simplified): take all the guns away.
Honestly, I think this goes way deeper than just access to guns…
Walks From The Week
My REVOLUTIONARY mindset: Moving = Good and Short Walk > No Walk
- Trolley Square
- Liberty Park
- 9th & 9th
- Sugar House Park
Salmon Tikka Masala v2.0
So I actually used crushed tomatoes (like the recipe called for 😅) and it was WAY better. This one’s a keeper for sure.

But at this point I think I’ve had 6 salmon tikka masala meals in the last 2 weeks so I’m at the stage where I never want to eat another dish of salmon tikka masala LOL.
When Are You Leaving SLC???
Idk. lol. At some point