The Week Of Coffee And Food In Seattle

We left off Life Update August 14th, 2022 crashing on the couch of Courtney and Nic’s (high school/work friend) at 1am…

Read on to see why my wallet is crying today…

August 2022



  • More socializing – who AM I?
  • Coffee shops
  • So much food, like so much
  • I might need new shoes
  • An indoor rainforest???


  • Seattle, Seattle, and more Seattle

More Socializing – Met Up With Brian

I decided to batch my socializing while I was in the social-flow 🤪 and reached out to one of my high school friends also in Seattle. We met up for lunch, boba, walked for hours, then grabbed dim sum.

We (literally) hadn’t chatted since the summer of 2019 when I visited Seattle for my internship so there was lots to catch up about. Interestingly enough, we chatted a lot about city design/planning. If you haven’t heard about Not Just Bikes on YouTube, I highly recommend giving him a watch.

After chatting with Brian, I went back and binge-watched hours of Not Just Bikes videos… Let’s just say, I’m starting to get curious what life is like in other countries 👀…

Something I’ve realized in the past couple weeks, having driven through countless towns through the U.S. (you can see exactly where on my live travel map) is that every single town/city has a commercial strip (a “stroad”) that looks exactly the same… Sure it’s consistent, but I like the more walkable neighborhoods and street corners in places like here in Seattle way more. But even still, Seattle is like half-walkable…

Could there be a better way out there? (My thinking is yes…)

This Week In Three Words

  1. Coffee
  2. And
  3. Food

I pretty much spent the week in coffee shops, trying tons of food places, and exploring parts of the city.

Powered By Coffee

All the coffee shops I went to this week:

  • Espresso Vivace – the place where I quite honestly don’t remember what I did 😅
  • Ada’s Technical Books and Cafe – the place where I fixed up the photo post formatting
  • Broadcast Coffee – the place where I got an espresso instead of cold brew (it was late and espresso was cheaper, yep 😅)
  • Queen Anne Coffee – the place with the two women speaking french

… And Semi-Powered By Libraries

After coffee shops come libraries

  • Montlake Branch
  • Madrona-Sally Goldmark Branch
  • Douglass-Truth Branch
  • Seattle Public Library

The Progress

I accomplished everything I set out to do in The Last Straw Holding Me On Instagram and now have an outlet to post photos on my photography page.

Nomad Workspaces

By the way, you can check out all the places (across the country) I find to work at on my Nomad Workspaces page complete with my analysis of how well-suited they are to work at.

Publishing My Journal Notes

I’ve been trying to figure out how I want to publish more of the day-to-day short journal entries. I’ve been journaling in Obsidian since 2020 and love it. There’s Obsidian Publish but $20/mo is just enough for me to look for free/cheaper alternatives.

I spent a good amount of time trying to optimize an open-source alternative to accommodate my 1200+ journal entries 😅 with little success. That $20/mo is looking a lot more juicy now haha.

I’ll figure things out eventually, just give it a bit…

Making My Wallet Cry

The food here has been REALLY good. Unfortunately for my wallet I’ve been exploring TONS of food places. Here’s everything:


  • Rocket Taco – Mexican; got tacos one time and a burrito another
  • Pasta Casalinga – rotating local pasta dishes; very good
  • Ceres Roasting Company – warm donuts and a smoothie; a perfect snack after walking many miles
  • Harbor City – Chinese; delicious dim sum with Brian, we went all out
  • Due Cucina Italiana – casual handmade pasta; so good I went twice
  • Aviv Hummus Bar – Israeli; perfectly balanced, warm, falafel sandwich
  • MedMix Jackson – Mediterranean; falafel sandwich with satisfying CRISPY french fries
  • Pike Place Chowder (the highlight) – chowder; THICC seafood bisque in a delicious bread bowl
  • Ba Bar – Vietnamese; fresh and light vermicelli noodles (wish the dish had more food though)


  • Tiger Sugar (the highlight) – something black sugar boba something, it was delicious
  • Atulea – I subbed for oat milk and it was meh, but now I know
  • R&B Tea – a classic, delicious, milk tea with boba
  • Don’t Yell At Me – I took a chance on the Osmanthus Jasmine Tea and it was worth

Ice Cream

  • Molly Moon’s – brownie sundae
  • Hello Robin – ice cream sandwich

Walking WAY More Than Before

Let’s just say parking has been… frustrating 😅

I’ve have multiple instances of driving around blocks and blocks looking for a spot when it would’ve just been faster to not move my van and walk…

I’ve tried to lean more into walking and wow have I walked a lot in the past week.

  • Sunday – 26,403 steps, 14.54 miles
  • Monday – 6,858 steps, 3.03 miles
  • Tuesday – 4,636 steps, 2.20 miles
  • Wednesday – 10,741 steps, 5.17 miles
  • Thursday – 14,467 steps, 6.75 miles
  • Friday – 9,552 steps, 4.80 miles
  • Saturday – 20,921 steps, 10.09 miles

A couple months ago, 4,000 steps used to be a MAX for a week…

Podcast Walks

I went on a couple walks listening to YouTube videos/podcasts and they felt really good.

They consistently got me excited to get back into a coffee shop the next day. I’ve been a “work” (journal, create, document, organize, etc.) mindset lately and have really been leaning into it.

Amazon Spheres

Another little highlight – Nic (who works at Amazon) took us to the Amazon Spheres on Thursday – way cool.

Back In The Van

I decided to jump back in the van because I missed those early morning coffee shop sessions (from which I’m writing this life update post 🙂 ). It was an early-to-bed-early-morning kind of day and boy did it feel good to get back to it this morning.

Next Stop?

Nature and camping? TBH I’m not sure yet lol… 🤷‍♂️

See ya next week


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